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Amisu, Elizabeth, ‘The Cultural Inheritance of Michael Jackson: Reading the Performance of High-Status Blackness in Music Video and on the Stage’ in Nakan: A Journal of Cultural Studies 2(2): Michael Jackson’s Artistic Contributions: Another Perspective, April (2022)
Amisu, Elizabeth, “Throwing Stones to Hide Your Hands” Revisited”, The Journal of Michael Jackson Academic Studies , 4, no. 1 (2017). Published electronically 24/08/2017, . Originally published electronically 15/09/2017,, Writing Eliza.
Amisu, Elizabeth, Lisha McDuff and Karin Merx, ‘Make That Ch-Ch-Change: Michael Jackson and David Bowie’, (2016)
Amisu, Elizabeth, and Karin Merx, ‘The Michael Jackson Respect Portrait by Karin Merx’, The Journal of Michael Jackson Academic Studies (2016)
Amisu, Elizabeth, Willa Stillwater, Lisha McDuff and Karin Merx, ‘A Look at Neo-Noir in Michael Jackson’s Short Films’, (2016)
Amisu, Elizabeth, ”With All His Beauteous Race’: High-Status Blacks in the Masque of Blackness and the Merchant of Venice‘ (Master of Arts, King’s College London, 2015)
—, ”Throwing Stones to Hide Your Hands’: The Mortal Persona of Michael Jackson’, The Journal of Michael Jackson Academic Studies 1 (2015)
—, ‘Song of the Goat’s ‘Songs of Lear” (London: King’s College London, 2015)
—, ‘From Object to Subject: A Critical Survey on the Representation of Blackness in the Early Modern Period’ (London: King’s College London, 2015)
—, ‘‘Crack Music’: Michael Jackson’s ‘Invincible’’, The Journal of Michael Jackson Academic Studies 1 (2015)
—, ”Throwing Stones to Hide Your Hands’: The Mortal Persona of Michael Jackson’, The Journal of Michael Jackson Academic Studies 1 (2014)
—, ‘On Michael Jackson’s Dancing the Dream’, Writing Eliza (2014)
—, ‘On Michael Jackson’s ‘Dancing the Dream’’, The Journal of Michael Jackson Academic Studies 1 (2014)
—, ”The Isle Is Full of Noises’: Revisiting the Peter Pan of Pop’, The Journal of Michael Jackson Academic Studies 1 (2014)
—, ‘Heard It on the Grapevine’: Are We Losing Michael Jackson All Over Again?’, The Journal of Michael Jackson Academic Studies 1 (2014)
—, ‘Editing Task’ (London: King’s College London, 2014)
—, ‘‘Crack Music’: Michael Jackson’s Invincible’, Writing Eliza (2014)
—, ‘Choose an Early Modern Printer or Publisher and Look at the Place of Literary Publications within His Work as a Whole’ (London: King’s College London, 2014)
—, ‘‘Bad (1987)’’, The Journal of Michael Jackson Academic Studies 1 (2014)